If you want to know how to tweak your World of Warcraft gear to get that extra 2 points of hit rating, or what the best helm is for your Ret Pally, you have any number of excellent Internet sources just a keystroke away. Go there with Elune's blessing. This is not the blog for you.
If, on the other hand, you want to know what cape goes with that green cowl to make the most awesome Robin Hood look in the Realm well, you have about as much chance of finding useful information on this subject on-line as you have of getting a big hug from Kel'Thuzad on your next Heroic Naxxaramus raid. Aside from some (frankly pathetic) sites along the lines of "Babes of Booty Bay", there are very few resources out there for those of us who want to look good in something other than our armor. There is so little from the Role-Playing community on this subject, which I should have thought would have been right up their alley, that I start to suspect that such players must be endangered species.
This is a shame, because there is so much that can be fun and challenging about this game besides all the farming and grinding and raiding and sleep deprivation that we have come to expect as the norm. Instead of waiting for more of the same in the next patch, we have the opportunity right now to make our own fun, find new value in old quests, and turn that vendor trash into "must have" items.
Look, I go on my guild's weekly 25 man Naxx run. I have the crusader title and am exalted with numerous Northrend factions. I have maxed my professions, and for variety I like to fish for Old Crafty in Ogrimmar. I am not bored, though I hear from many who have plateaued in game progression who say they are. I do find, though, that the repetition of dailies and the intense concentration of raiding leaves me fairly well drained and needing another outlet.
Yes, you can chase achievements and I do that too. But lately, what I have really enjoyed doing is putting together costumes built around all the incredible styles and designs that give the game such texture and yet, by and large, count for nothing with most players. who only value the gear if it is an upgrade and are content to go to battle looking like harlequins so long as they have the best stats.
This blog is an effort to fill a void in the World of Wow fashion. I play a dwarf, so there will be no night elf hotties here (unless you send me appropriate screenshots). I play a male dwarf, so unless there is a guest blogger to offer perspectives from another gender you are not likely to find ol' Stervark modelling the latest spring looks for the slinky slit skirted set. But if you want to know where to find an eyepatch for your pirate garb, or advice on soloing Don Carlos for his famous hat (and where to get his tequila), then Wow-Head Threads may be just what you were looking for.
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