In Venture Bay he met a certain

He visited the Winterfin Murlocs for a replacement eyepatch, but just couldn't bring himself to raise a crew that only sang sea chanteys that went "Mrglmrglmgrl..."

He thought he had found a wonderful opportunity when he looked in the Want Ads and found a fully equipped sailing vessel with everything needed for an extended yoyage included...

....except water.
Finally, he decided the only way he was going to get the ship he needed was to pirate up and steal one.

He thought about cutting out a Vrykul longship but recalled that the giants exploded into stinking heaps of seaweed when slain and he had already endured a lifetime of stench while drifting about on the dead gorilla...
He made

...forgetting that without a crew it would be impossible for him to hand, reef and steer simultaneously...
It was enough to make any sea dog settle down and start up gold farming...
(to be continued...)
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