fishing hat, even better than the other one that is a reward from turning in a rare fish from the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza. It is a rare reward from the Shatt and now Dalaran Fishing Dailies. No serious angler should be without it, and wearing yours while fishing marks you as such.
In fact, there are a number of rare fishing rewards that anglers equip to show off their good fortune. A number of these are pets, including the four baby crocolisks that 1.4% of the time are rewards from the Shattrath Crocolisks in the City daily. Sterk has done this daily everytime it has come around since Februrary and has both Snarly and Toothy to show for it. Although acquiring even one of these ought to count as a significant achievement in anyone's book, this is not yet considered one officially, the way catching Mr. Pinchy and then getting him to cough up the magical crawdad pet, or fishing up the Dalaran Sewer Rat both are. Or that confounded Sea turtle mount which has yet to drop for me. I did get the strand crawler pet during my first week of Dal fishing dailies, however, and any of these make ideal fishing accessories.
Be that as it may, if you have the space and like to fish, it is worth taking a little time with how you look while doing it. Sterk models his current fishing look, having set aside his standard blue overalls for something more suitable fro fishing in northern streams. Along with his weatherbeaten fishing hat, he wears the green lumberjack shirt with brown linen pants. His fingerless gloves drop from Thuros Lightfingers, a rare spawn at any of the four Defilas camps in Elwynn forest, and have the +2 fishing enchant. There are other fingerless gloves in the game in different colors - knitted gloves are black versions of the same model and are sold by many cloth vendors. 
As for the feet, they are Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots, the reward for catching Brownell's Blue Striped Racer at the Stranglethorn fishing contest. The waist is the reliable leather studded belt that goes so well with working stiff attire. The rod is the Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole gained at Exalted from the Kalu'ak Quartermasters.
There are plenty of other fishing costume possibilites out there, and there is an extensive thread on this subject in the forums at El's Extreme Angling.
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