- 65 Mageweave
- 6 Heavy Silken Thread
- 5 Black Dye
- 1 Red Dye
- 2 Thick Leather
You start out in Tanaris at the graveyard just to the east of Gadgetstan, where you will find the inebriated Don Carlos, moping about the passage of time. At level 68 you can get the quest Nice Hat from him and travel to the caverns of Time and
But don't settle for that. If you do it on heroic (and this requires a reputation grind to honored with the Keepers of Time to purchase the Key of Time to unlock the heroic setting), Don Carlos' Famous Hat will drop, and equipping this hat allows you to summon the awesome Spirit Coyote non-combat pet. Unfortunately, this does not count toward pet hoarding achievements, but it is huge in comparison to other vanity companions as shown here.
Don Carlos and his Coyote "Guererro" are level 72 elites on heroic, however, and a challenge for some classes to solo. My dps warrior had difficulty closing with him while fending off the coyote and dealing with plentiful scatter shots from his gun. You will find the Don riding along the road toward Durnholde as far as the bridge. There are those who say that even if you get a message after killing him that you are saved to the instance, you can exit and reset and kill him 4 more times so that others in your group can get the hat.
Sterk wears Calico Shoes with this outfit, which come only to the ankle so as to show off the buttons and embroidery on the pantaloons. They are a nice dark color and are a fraction of the cost of dress shoes. I like a black cape with this costume, and Juno's Shadow - a rare drop from Strathome - fits the bill nicely. There are several rapiers in the game for those who can wield swords, and I made dazzling mithril rapier for this outfit. Others swear that dual wielding the mace Baron's Scepter looks like maracas. And there is yet one more item that belonged to Don Carlos that is well worth a visit to Area 52 in Netherstorm, where Boots
If you really want to go overboard, you can track down and equip some of the other items belonging to The Dons of WoW. I have a Jones for Don Rigoberto's Lost Hat, though not for the haliscan outfit...
Those who want the Mexican bandito look can use either hat without the Haliscan chest and legs if they get a bit creative. We'll model that look in a subsequent post.
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